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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Extractor V1.02
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction
- ------------
- Extractor is a small utility which helps you to extract your archive
- files. With this stuff you can extract LHA,ZIP,ARJ files in a very simple
- way.(The registered version can also handle !LZX! files! So it's
- worth registering it! Don't hesitate!)
- Why I wrote it?
- Because I was fed up with those archivers which you have to use from CLI.
- Try my utility and you'll realize that it's much easier to use.
- (If you like commandline and parameters, buy a PC and you'll be satisfied.)
- With my proggy you can not only extract the whole file but you can check
- out the contents of the archive, select the files you need and extract them
- to the required directory.
- You can say that other utils can do it too (and much other things), but if
- you just want to get out one or some files (like file_id.diz!) then it's
- faster and easier! See USAGE!
- Installation-configuration
- --------------------------
- Just copy the file "Extractor.prefs" in your "S:" directory. This is an
- ASCII file, so you can change it easily.
- This is the config file:
- #LHA
- PATH=C:Lha
- PATTERN=#?.lha|#?.lzh
- TYPE=??-lh?-?
- #ZIP
- PATH=DH1:Tools/UnZip
- PATTERN=#?.zip
- #ARJ
- PATH=DH1:Tools/UnArj
- PATTERN=#?.arj
- Please don't change the structure of it (the order of the lines) beacuse
- the prefs reader is not too intelligent!
- But of course you can change the data after the "=" marks!
- In the first line you can set the source directory name.It will be the
- default directory of the source file requester.
- In the second line you can choose a default destination directory where the
- files will be extracted to.
- Then come the defaults for the different archivers:
- PATH: this is the exact path where the archiver can be reached
- PATTERN-TYPE: with these parameters can the archives be determined
- Configuration under a filehandler proggy
- Extractor has got two parameters.
- 1.:FILE - the source filename
- 2.:DIR - the destination directory
- So, what you have to do is to change the default action of LHA,ZIP,ARJ,LZX
- files to this line:
- Dh1:Tools/Extractor FILE="{$}" DIR="{%}"
- This example works with Filemaster, but if you replace the {$} and {%} marks
- with the appropriate ones, then you can use Extractor with other utils too.
- Usage
- -----
- Simply you can run it from CLI but I think it's no use using it this way.
- I recommend using it with other proggies (for example: Filemaster).
- It is very comfortable. You just click on a file and voila... the Extractor's
- window is opened on your screen.
- -----------------------------------------
- | _____________________ ___ |
- | Src. File: |Archives:File.lha | |?| |
- | _______________ ___ _____ |
- | Dest. Dir: |RAM: | |?| |RAM| |
- | |
- | Archive type: LHA Status: Welcome! |
- | ___ ______________ ____ ______|
- | Ext.All | | |Select Files| |ID| |List||
- | _______ _______ ______ |
- | |Start| |About| |Quit| |
- -----------------------------------------
- If your filehandler proggy (e.g. FileMaster) is configured right, then
- the name of the selected file will appear in the 'Src. File' gadget, and
- the destination directory will be the same as in the filehandler. If no
- destination dir is given then it will be automatically set to RAM:.
- To change the scr. file and the dest. directory you can simply type in the
- desired file or dir names, but you can also use file and directory requesters.
- In the second line there is a gadget called RAM. It's for those people who
- frequently use RAM: to extract files to (like me). If you click on this button
- the dest. dir will be set to RAM:. It's much faster than typing in the dir name
- or choosing it with the requester.
- In the third line there are two text gadgets. The first one shows the type of
- the choosen archive. If it is '???' then the archive is not an LHA,ZIP,ARJ or
- LZX file. The 'Status' shows when the Extractor is working.When the extracting
- is finished, this gadget will be changed to 'Finished', and your screen
- will flash or you will hear a beep, depending on your Workbench settings.
- If you have choosen an archive, you can see its contents by clicking on the
- 'Select Files' button. In a window you can select those files which you
- want to unpack.
- Unfortunately this option can't be used with ARJ files because my UnArj
- (V2.41) can only extract the whole archive.(Please send me a newer version
- if you have!)
- If you want to unpack all the files just set the 'Extract All' gadget.
- Extracting begins if you press the 'Start' button.
- In the registered version there are two more gadgets.
- With the 'ID' button you can unpack the File_id.diz file if it is contained
- in the archive.
- The 'List' button saves a FileList about the packed files. The name of the
- listfile will be the original archive name+'.lst'.
- Registration
- ------------
- This program is GIFTWARE. So if you want to get registered, then send me
- $5 as minimal (you can send it in DM too),or the full registered version of
- your own program and a 2DD disk to my address! Please send the money in
- CASH only. But be careful with it,because sending cash in the mail is not
- safe. Enclose the money in two pieces of non-white paper to disguise it
- properly. Do it, because along the way anybody who recognizes the content
- of the mail can take it out. So make sure that it is absolutely disguised,
- because I can only send you the stuff if I get the money! 8-(
- Remember the advantages of the registered version:
- - No upsetting messages
- - LZX support
- - Get File_id.diz button
- - Make FileList button
- My address:
- Roland Szerletics
- Batmonostor
- -----------
- Arpad str.2.
- Hungary-6528
- Email: ruler@balu.sch.bme.hu
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